Desk-top publishing and editorial services


Client brief

“We have proofs of two books that emerged from this conference. Some of the text is in Gaelic (Gaidhlig), some in English. I am looking, in a hurry, for a proofreader of the English chapters. Each book is less than 200pp and I guess that the English text is no more then 50% overall.”


What Wordsense did

From pdfs, Joanna Chisholm printed off and read the relevant English chapters as paper proofs, checking for spelling errors, omissions and inconsistencies in styling. She also checked that all text references had a matching entry in the Notes at the back of the book. Joanna annotated the pdfs with her comments and textual queries so they were clear for the authors and easy to forward to them.


Client feedback

“Many thanks for doing all this so thoroughly and so quickly.”