Desk-top publishing and editorial services

GDPR privacy policy


  • The personal data provided by each client in order to have their job fulfilled generally comprises only email addresses (including of the relevant authors), although they also may provide their full address for invoicing purposes. This information, together with the job folder, is stored on a password-protected computer, with an external firewall.
  • Any printed emails and other material relevant to the job are kept in a metal filing cabinet and are shredded within a couple of years.
  • Hardcopy invoices are also stored in the filing cabinet and are kept only for the HMRC’s recommended seven years, after which they are destroyed. The information in these is shared only with an accountant (for HMRC purposes).
  • No information received by clients is passed to third parties without proactive consent.
  • Should a client want a Subject Access Report (SAR) they should contact